As a church we want to step more deeply into prayer. We are seeing more clearly than ever that prayer is not just a nice idea but that it is a matter of life and death.
We are setting September aside as a particular month of prayer because we sense an urgent need for breakthrough and change at many levels.
There are several ways this will work out:
Joining the Nepali Congregation Monthly prayer and fasting: Next Saturday (5th September) at our Lenah Valley campus we will join, and be led by, the Nepali congregation in prayer.
1 p.m. Weekday Prayer stop: Each weekday we are asking peopel to stop what they are doing for fifteen minutes and pray specifically for the burdens we are sharing as a church family. For those who can we invite you to join us at the Mornington office on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for this, or at Lenah Valley on Wednesday. For those who can’t join us in person we would love to have you with us on Zoom. Just click this link
The Engine room: We are expanding our weekly 8-9 pm Thursday night prayer meeting to include meeting in person at both Lenah Valley and Mornington. Please join us in person or online here.
Small Groups and Kingdom Cells: We are asking small groups and Kingdom Cells to make a particular point of prayer. Matt is asking Small groups to consider devoting half their time to prayer in September. If you are not part of a Small Group or Kingdom Cell and would like to be please connect with us.
Facebook Group: We want to use our closed Facebook group to be a way we can share prayer requests and answers. If you are not yet a member of it you can join here: