Our Pastor, Matt Garvin, wrote the book 6 Radical Decisions in 2012.
The Book was an attempt by Matt to describe what it meant to be an authentic follower of Jesus Christ.
The book has now had three print runs and continues to be helpful for people around the world.
We recommend that newcomers to our church take the time to read the book to understand the vision behind our strategy and direction. The book is available for sale from the church office and also on Kindle.
There is also a small group discussion guide available here.
Matt spoke about each of the 6 Radical Decisions in a series of sermons he did soon after arriving at our church. The videos are below:
The First Radical Decision: Jesus
01 - Jesus
The Second Radical Decision: Mission
02 - Mission
The Third Radical Decision: Fellowship
03 - Fellowship
The Fourth Radical Decision: Hospitality
04 - hospitality
The Fifth Radical Decision: Empowerment
05 - Empowerment
The Sixth Radical Decision: Committment
06 - Commitment