Dinner Together

What is Dinner Together

Once a month we meet with others for a ‘Dinner Together’ from 6pm to 7:30pm.

Why Do We Do It

Basically, this is one of the best ways to get to know each other around our congregations. A chance to meet with people from different backgrounds and ages and a great opportunity to invite other friends that may be interested in connecting with Citywide.

What to Expect

  • Once you register, Citywide office will be in touch to let you know who your host is by the Tuesday before the dinner.
  • The Dinner will start at 6pm and finish by 7:30pm
  • Everyone who comes is encouraged to bring enough food (main course) to share for themselves and 1 or 2 extra. BBQ chickens from Woolworths or Hot Chips are fine for those who have to come from work.
  • The host will provide a simple dessert. This is an informal pot-luck dinner and we encourage casual seating to aid conversation.

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So we can allocate you with a host nearby.
Hosts provide the space, and an easy desert for everyone.
Which dates are you registering for today?